Many institutions like kindergartens, elementary-, middle-, and high-schools as well as the technical college already prepared for this event, not only by participating in the form of bands and choirs but also by encouraging discussions about the importance of peace and harmony in our time.

Soest in harmony
a city in unison
For the first time in Germany - unique in Soest: a city in unison. “Ode to Joy” from Beethoven's Symphony No. 9, the Anthem of Europe, sounds everywhere and simultaneous across the inner city of Soest.

Thu. 7 July 2016 - 8pm sharp
In this moment music will connect all citizens and guests of Soest across all ages and regardless of nationality and language. To achieve this musicians, choirs and ensembles spread out over the whole city to simultaneously, in same tempo and key, sound the first note.
Imagine you being there when young and old, from duo to choir, raise the “Ode to Joy” from the roofs of the city down into all streets and alleys. The organizers believe that this event could be something truly unique for both the participants and the audience. The concerted chimes of the church bells together with the release of many balloons will emphasize the idea of harmony and peace.
over 1,000 participants
“Soest in harmony” is part of the international music project from 4th to 8th of July 2016 in Soest in partnership with the World & European Brass Association under the direction of Prof. Otto Sauter. More about this in the ‘Common brass’ section. [Photo Marketplace Soest: Peter Dahm] [Foto Marktplatz Soest: Peter Dahm]
Soest in harmony
Media files
Video documentation from the organizer
Reportage Soester Anzeiger
WDR television “Lokalzeit”
Common brass on the tower of church Petri